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Okay, prepare for sindssygt basic-white-girl ting, nørderier, heste, og alt muligt andet gøgl. Men det her er altså min bucket list. Nogle af tingene er oplevelser, andre er gøgl, og andre igen er deciderede mål her i livet - noget jeg kan stræbe efter for fremtiden.
1. Blive økonomisk uafhængig
2. Få Doug Stamper-jobbet. Altså, være spindoktor/politisk rådgiver, hvad end I nu vil kalde det. Eller blive politisk analytiker eller kommentator. Shit det ville være sejt.
3. Udgive en bog. (Helst flere)
4. Besøge en 'rigtig' ranch med heste i USA
5. Se New York, Washington DC, og alle mulige andre storbyer i USA
6. Studere i England
7. Flytte til England
8. Eje en hest
9. Rejse til Paris, Bruxelles, og Milano
10. Opbygge en samling af designertasker
11. Tage til Bali
12. At læse 1 bog hver måned i et år
13. Læse hele Les Miserables
14. Tage til Rusland
15. Få en kat!
Har I en bucket list? Jeg mangler stadig nogle ideer og inspiration til min liste, og jeg tror også de bliver tilføjet lidt hen af vejen.
Prepare for extremely basic-white-girl stuff, geeky shit, horses, and all that sort of crap. But this is my bucket list. Some of the things listed are experiences, others are just fun stuff, and others-others(??) are life goals. Something to work towards in the future.
1. To become financially independent
2. Get the Doug Stamper-job. To become a political advisor, basically.
3. Write a book (or several)
4. Visit a 'real' ranch with horses in the U.S.
5. See New York, Washington DC, and all sorts of big cities in the U.S.
6. Study in England
7. Move to England
8. Own a horse
9. Travel to Paris, Brussels, and Milano
10. Build a collection of designer handbags
11. Visit Bali
12. Read one book every month for a year.
13. Read the entire "Les Miserables"
14. Visit Russia
15. Get a cat!
Do you have a bucket list? I still need some inspiration and ideas. I'll probably update the list a few times.
11. Tage til Bali
12. At læse 1 bog hver måned i et år
13. Læse hele Les Miserables
14. Tage til Rusland
15. Få en kat!
Har I en bucket list? Jeg mangler stadig nogle ideer og inspiration til min liste, og jeg tror også de bliver tilføjet lidt hen af vejen.
Prepare for extremely basic-white-girl stuff, geeky shit, horses, and all that sort of crap. But this is my bucket list. Some of the things listed are experiences, others are just fun stuff, and others-others(??) are life goals. Something to work towards in the future.
1. To become financially independent
2. Get the Doug Stamper-job. To become a political advisor, basically.
3. Write a book (or several)
4. Visit a 'real' ranch with horses in the U.S.
5. See New York, Washington DC, and all sorts of big cities in the U.S.
6. Study in England
7. Move to England
8. Own a horse
9. Travel to Paris, Brussels, and Milano
10. Build a collection of designer handbags
11. Visit Bali
12. Read one book every month for a year.
13. Read the entire "Les Miserables"
14. Visit Russia
15. Get a cat!
Do you have a bucket list? I still need some inspiration and ideas. I'll probably update the list a few times.
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